The symptoms are:
1. I am getting errors below when initiating any AWE.
- "Optimistic lock exception at %1. Please refresh the page try the same operation again. (18081,1009) EOAW_CORE.Utils.OnExecute Name:ThrowOptimisticLockException PCPC:19812 Statement:511The problem also occurs when the counter in the table EOAW_IDS is incorrect."
- at Approval process instance (Id = 'JobOpening', Definition ID = 'BYU_Hiring_Mgr_Recruiter', Effective date '1901-01-02', Thread id '48213') (18081,1056):10:1, Step nbr 1 (18081,1058) EOAW_CORE.ENGINE.DefStepInst.OnExecute Name:Activate PCPC:9660 Statement:143
2. Status monitor shows old workflow steps.
After poking around some codes and debugging them, I finally found that USERINST_ID and STEPINST_ID counter in the EOAW_IDS table are out of sync with the transactional tables: EOAW_USERINST and EOAW_STEPINST.
So, here is the solution:
Update ps_eoaw_ids set eoawcounter = (Select max(eoawstep_instance) + 1 from PS_EOAW_STEPINST) where eoawcountername = 'STEPINST_ID';
Update ps_eoaw_ids set eoawcounter = (Select max(eoawustep_inst_id) + 1 from PS_EOAW_USERINST) where eoawcountername = 'USERINST_ID';